Latest News

30th November 2023

Although the Crest application seems to have disappeared, in the meantime another speculative planning application was put forward by Bloor Homes. Over 600 of us objected to the plan, and SGC refused permission in August 2023.

Bloor decided to appeal the decision and an 8 day enquiry took place at SGC offices in October. Many of us signed a petition to show the continued strength of feeling, and presented the 801 names to the enquiry. Some of us even spoke at the enquiry to put forward a resident point of view

WRAG was very pleased to see that earlier this week, we heard the case had been dismissed– the 180 houses will not be built. A victory for common sense. In his report, published on Monday, November 27, David Prentis said: “My overall assessment is that the adverse effects of this appeal proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.”

The Appeal Decision document can be found here

18th May 2021

We had been told to expect CN’s application in March 2021. This never happened, so we have been waiting. We have been informed that CN are unlikely to be applying now until toward the end of 2021, as they have highway modelling and other reports to complete which are apparently taking a lot of time.

So, in the absence of any firm news, just wanted to update you. Please do refresh your “No more houses” posters, as they tend to fade after some months in the window or outside. Keep the message strong and clear!

1st March 2021
If you could possibly spare 5 minutes to answer this short survey, it would be much appreciated.
It’s about our driving habits for work/ shopping, the results of which will allow us to shape our response to the application better:

Thank you very much.

3rd February 2021

Wickwar Parish Council have announced that Crest Nicholson will attend a specially-called extra meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 10th February @ 7pm.

The purpose is to present the new master plan and answer questions. All members of the public are invited to attend and observe the meeting, which will take place via Zoom (maximum attendees 500). Questions will be asked by WPC/ WRAG on behalf of the public.

Any questions will need to submitted to the WPC, or us here, in advance (please check the new FAQ first on the CN website . WRAG will have 2 representatives to put your questions forward if you send them to us instead of the WPC.

More info here: WPC Website

Agenda and Zoom links are here

Please encourage anyone who is interested to attend, there won’t be the prospect of people not being able to attend like last time (at least not for the first 500 people!!)

Thanks and see you there!

21st January 2021

Thankyou to everyone who attended the public Crest Nicholson meeting last night. Although many people ended up not being able to join due to the 100 attendee limit, it was a great indication of the strength of feeling from our side.

The session was recorded by CN, who were hosting, and they assure us the recording will be made available soon.

There were sadly many questions we submitted that weren’t answered so these are being followed up. If you haven’t already joined the WRAG Facebook group, then please do so to join in the discussion.

16th January 2021

The Wickwar Parish Council (WPC) have formally responded to CN’s plans to develop the land. You can read that response, their concerns and suggested mitigations here

7th January 2021

Don’t forget, the Parish Council’s meeting to discuss the CN development is taking place at 7pm on Weds 13th January. This is a great time to air your views, ask questions, and be involved. Click here for the PC’s page on this. All the details, including the Zoom address are on that link,

The PC will also be taking questions to be passed along for the CN meeting on the 20th if you’d like to submit any.

6th January 2021

Good news, we have a date for CN’s public Zoom meeting. It is via Zoom at 7pm on the 20 January 2021.

The Zoom link is:

This is what they have said:

For the meeting to be as productive as possible, we will give a short presentation and then move on to answering the questions that have been sent into us.

To ensure we can offer a comprehensive response and make sure the meeting is as productive as possible can we please ask that all questions are forwarded to us in advance and sent directly to by 15 January 2021

To be clear- we need to turn out IN FORCE. It’s our first chance to show them the strength of feeling, so please, make a note in your diaries, spread the word, and try to be there ?

Please do also send them as many questions as you like, to the email address above, clearly marking it as questions for the public meeting. You may want to share those questions in the comments section below to inspire or give ideas to others.

Parish Council’s webpage on this is here
